Monday, February 4, 2008

What is a Multi Agent System (MAS)?

A multi-agent system (MAS) is a loosely coupled network of software agents that interact to solve problems that are beyond the individual capacities or knowledge of each problem solver.
Multi-Agent systems are open information systems that contain multiple autonomous agents or agents acting on behalf of autonomous users or entities. Complex problems require the services of multiple agents with diverse capabilities and needs e.g., the mediator based approach to information systems.
A Multi-Agent System (MAS) is a system composed of a population of autonomous agents, which cooperate with each other to reach common objectives, while simultaneously each agent pursues Individual objectives.
A Multi-Agent system is able to solve tasks; the agents must communicate amongst themselves and coordinate their activities. If a MAS lacks communication and coordination, the end result is going to be chaos.
There are several reasons why multiple agents need to be coordinated :
- Prevent chaos. No agent possesses a global view of the entire agency to which it belongs, as this is simply not feasible in any community of reasonable complexity. Consequently, agents have only local views, goals and knowledge that may interfere with rather than support other agents' actions. Coordination is vital to prevent chaos during conflicts.
- Meet global constraints. Agents performing network management may have to respond to certain failures within seconds and others within hours. Coordinating agents; Behavior is therefore essential to meet such a goal.
- Agents in MAS possess different capabilities and expertise. Therefore, agents need to be coordinated in just the same way that different medical specialists, including anesthetists, surgeons, ambulance personnel, nurses, etc., need to coordinate their capabilities to treat a patient.

The characteristics of MAS are that
1. Each agent has incomplete information or capabilities for solving the problem and, thus, has a limited viewpoint
2. There is no system global control
3. Data are decentralized
4. Computation is asynchronous

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